
Showing posts from August, 2013

Still-in-use woody Tear Drop camping trailer owned by my friend Charlsie.

Alte Schnapsdrossel aus England

The man created a Bottle Tree Forest and came his love of collecting antique pieces.

A Main Street Barber Shop in Middletown, DE USA

Vintage American Red Cross Marshal Joffre Post Card

Don't Forget - Vintage Neon and Signs Contest

Summer of 67

Vintage Neon and Signs: Contest

Vintage Neon and Signs: Part III

Vintage Neon and Signs: Part II

Vintage Neon and Signs: Part I

The artistry of the LaSalle St. Bridge

Lake Boat

Curio curiosities.

Paul Newman in "La lunga estate calda" (The Long, Hot Summer), (1958)

Marilyn Monroe & Elvis Presley

posted byStella Penelope

From Theresa 'CatBurglar' Muñoz -

From Pat Gorsuch -

Love letter in my grandmother's high school autograph book 1943 or 1944 from my grandfather to my grandmother.

Because bow ties are cool...and vintage. (Via The Art of Manliness.)

My grandfather's Gillette F1 Fatboy razor. I've been using it for years now. #shave

Eighth graders exam from 1912.

Chicago Loop

Have always loved everything this talent has produced. Very sad to hear she cannot sing anymore due to Parkinsons.


Hob Nail Milk Glass.

For Fun

Many thanks to Chrissy Mount Kapp for her invitation to this community.

Vintage analogue traffic control. Bring these bad boys back! These are much better than lights.

Thanks for the invitation! Most people think I was born a couple centuries too late, so vintage is definitely in my...

hepcat (ˈhɛpˌkæt)

Thanks for the invite =) Looking forward to all the vintage art on here.

Hey all you Hepkats and Kittens!

Everything old seem new again.

Help us!

How is this community different from The Vintage Life I community, please?

Thanks for the invite. Looks like an interesting community!

There was a time that smoking was what people did.

Just a few things I might wear.

I luv the vintage feel and style of these clothes.