hepcat (ˈhɛpˌkæt)

hepcat  (ˈhɛpˌkæt)

Origin: 1930–35;  Americanism; hep1  + cat 1
— n
1. obsolete , slang  a person who is hep, esp a player or admirer of jazz and swing in the 1940s


  1. Love jazz.  My favorites are from the Cab Calloway era, but I love it all.

  2. Cab Calloway passed away a couple of miles from my home in Delaware. We have a school of the arts here that is named after him.

  3. Since we all have to die somewhere, how cool that he lived near you.  Just from his music, I'm  sure he's hanging out at the school and being an unseen/unheard aloud muse.


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