Don't Forget - Vintage Neon and Signs Contest

Don't Forget - Vintage Neon and Signs Contest

So in the spirit of living a Vintage Life, go out and find a vintage sign or neon sign or classic marker and take a picture of it, upload it to The Vintage Life's community page.

It works best if you or someone you know is photo-bombing your submission. The whole point is to have fun. This is not a professional contest. This is purely for fun. Ideally you are taking pictures with your phone camera.

Try not to Photoshop them up.

This weekend the community will take a little vote and select the three category winners. Each winner will get a signed and matted paper print of the Owl Cafe, Dog House or Hot Neon.

Winner's choice.

Enter as often as you like.

Entries do by Friday, 8/30 11:59 pm EST. Voting begins at 8/31 08 a.m EST and ends Sunday at 11:59 p.m. All entries will be collected into a single album and people can go through and click like on the ones they like best.


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