You may have heard this already, but in case you haven't G+ has moved the closing date of the sunsetting from August...

You may have heard this already, but in case you haven't G+ has moved the closing date of the sunsetting from August to April. They note more security problems, (a mistake of theirs) but say it was only around for a week and nothing was taken by anyone.
My feeling is Google thought it was a good idea to hurry us along a bit faster because not as many people have left yet as they thought would.

I am still running into people that didn't know it was closing and never heard a peep about it. (so you know the right people to get your information from at least ; ) )

I have found another very promising platform that is still in construction called "Open-book Social" if you want to take a look at it here is the link:

I am signed up to be let in when it opens, but until I can see it, I won't know if it is indeed the one or not. I do like the security people they have working on it, namely Phil Zimmermann. If you have never heard of him, he is the Godfather of Internet security so that is a plus.

If you want to go house hunting, take a look at it and let me know in the comments below. This move if for all of us, so I would like to get the opinion of everyone on this site. It will go live in "Early 2019". With the new updated closeout of G+ that could be a problem and Is a huge caveat for taking them on. We all know "the best laid plans of mice and men, and Tech start ups"


  1. only thing I'm not 100% sure.. is it's more of a EU European thing
    that very bottom part after you finish scrolling the whole little sales pitch that they got the little heart right at the bottom is what kind of has me a little concerned being a United States citizen has the who it's geared for and which kind of Internet ways
    what's a wait and see what happens when it comes over here I seen a few of those things are in the past that are not Americanit's hard to explain but certain things don't work is good in America as they do other places so have to wait and see what happens. all these introductions startups are always the same though unfortunately it's true me we was the same plus porra to disapora and thier pods, then WhatsApp they all sound good in the beginning and then for some reason they go to hell in a handbasket I don't quite know why maybe you don't realize what it's involved or anything so it seems nice I'll just leave it at that and see what happens

  2. Trucker Kev The Paid Tourist Thanks Kev, It being in the Netherlands was some of my concern too. This is why I need all the thoughtful comments I can get on the subject.
    Quara just had a huge security breach in the last week or so, These guys do have a strong team working for them, and that is a plus. So I need everyone's thoughts.

  3. I’ve signed up for the open book beta, too. I like the specs.

  4. Some of us in other G+ communities have already graduated over to MeWe. Very similar set up with some differences, such as chat...but the communities are set up similarly. Would be nice to see some of our vintage sites move over!

  5. Mike Srok Thanks Mike, so far they look like the top contender as I have reserved space there, Just haven't made the final choice yet.

  6. Margaret Siemers you're welcome! Whatever you decide, keep us all posted so we know where to find you😀

  7. Margaret Siemers well it looks pretty good to me. And the bonus is it's in the Netherlands. Which I love. But I just wish Google Plus didn't have to close. I think it's awful. Cuz I really enjoyed Google Plus. But I guess it is what it is. I've looked at it and it looks pretty good I haven't signed up yet because I can still do that like at any time right. But it looks good. Thanks for sharing this information it's very interesting.
    I have as well joined MEWE I don't go on it much because like I said I enjoy Google Plus and I worked kind of hard on my profile and I hate to lose it. But I might go over to this one I'll have to think about it. Take care Margaret. Thanks.

  8. Although I haven't settled anywhere, I have been trying MeWe and every other platform that is suggested. Feels a bit overwhelming at this point having to "pick up and move" without wanting to, but that's the reality. I found Openbook's Kickstarter proposal to be interesting and it adds a little info to their plans. - Openbook | Privacy-friendly, fun & honest social network.

  9. Ann Kennedy me-wi seems like a better for from my experience. YMMV they say.

  10. I have to check out MeWe, but Openbook I have been researching. It is a very interesting project and I will register there.

    Two items that caught my attention in their proposal are:

    "Hernández says they’re building data importers that can parse the archive users are able to request from their existing social networks — to “tell you what’s in there and allow you to select what you want to import into Openbook”.

    Sounds like it will be possible to import select posts from the G+ group. This will be nice for the research posts.

    "Hernández says the digital currency component of the platform would be used to let users list secondhand items for sale. Down the line, the vision extends to being able to support a community of creators getting a sustainable income — thanks to the same baked in coin mechanism enabling other users to pay to access content or just appreciate it (via a tip)."

    This second point is pretty self-explanatory, but could be an innovative factor for us as resellers.

  11. I just saw today that Google messaging system Allo will be going bye-bye at the end of March.

  12. I like the familiar layout of MeWe and the ability to create a group. The selection of emoji responses is awesome!

  13. Ann Kennedy Thank you for your input on this. I just want to add that the Kickstarter funding page is still up but not operational for contributions. They met their goal there, but being still in need of money started phase two of the campaign with a new page on Indiegogo, here is the link if anyone is interested. - Openbook: It's time for a better social network.

    I really like the video on the kickstarter page however.

  14. INDIA STREET ANTIQUES / DANISH MODERN SAN DIEGO I have to agree that the portability of the old info into the new setting is a huge plus and in fact I am going to ping Pam WhimsicalVintage for that fact alone.
    I am not only looking into a new home for our community here, but also for my personal page, which connects to my shop.

    In all honesty, I started on G+ for the commerce side of it, however in doing so I found many wonderful communities with fantastic members, (like this community) and it truly has enriched my life.
    So I do like the commerce possibilities of Openbook and it would be nice to have everything on one platform.

    That said however, I will choose what is best for this community always, and make the trek between if two platforms are needed for what needs to be accomplished.

    I can't say I am crazy over cryptocurrency use, however it was recently explained to me like this; "You are going to pay for advertising your product no matter what platform you use. Google adsense, Facebook, Pinterest and the rest all have forms of paid advertising if you truly want to market your offerings. The trick is for the small sellers to find a place that lets you advertise with the least cost. Venues that offer "bid" placement of items should be a last choice because small sellers can't afford the best placements." So this could be a good venue for my shop to land. I also like the fact they are giving 30% of any profits to sustainability projects to offset the use of cryptocurrency and its impact on the environment. (but I wish they would just use PayPal and make it a truly wonderful place lol)

    Good to know you are on MeWe, I will look you up.

  15. Stephen Russell I will look you up too, but wondered what YMMV meant. I had to look that one up, and yes it is possible but things are still very much in the looking and planning stages on all of this. : )

  16. Evelon Burley Thank you too for sounding your voice on all of this.
    With the Holidays I am lucky to be on G+ at a reasonable hour let alone any of the new sites like MeWe, but I will look you up there.
    No you don't need to sign up for them yet, it may help them incentive wise to keep working away on things, but people can sign up with them anytime. The link I offered in my post at the top of all this lets you sign up to be notified when they are opening and does not require a donation to know about it, so there is no monetary commitment.

  17. frank o'shea Thank you Frank, what you think is always good to know.

  18. INDIA STREET ANTIQUES / DANISH MODERN SAN DIEGO yes indeedy look up the "Google Graveyard of products" and you'll find out all kinds of good stuff stuff Google started and just cast it off to the side to be forgotten about G+ will be there soon

  19. Thank you Margaret Siemers! It looks like I have a lot of reading to do. I did look at MeWe initially, but they're really set up more for in house sharing and I need our reference posts and for sale posts to be public. They may have changed it but that's what I read when G+ announced the shutdown.
    Most of this will have to wait until after the holidays and then I'll put on the reading glasses and dig in:) Thank you again!

  20. Pam WhimsicalVintage I researched upcoming improvements to MeWe and they are working on rolling out an option to post to all MeWe users, among other upgrades. I cannot tell if each post will carry it's own URL as G+ posts do.

  21. Pam WhimsicalVintage Oh how I understand the Holidays getting in the way of normal life. Pinged you so you could tuck the information behind your ear for later. A ping was easier than an email, and that sounds lazy but things get crazy and faster was better. lol

  22. INDIA STREET ANTIQUES / DANISH MODERN SAN DIEGO You are wonderful at the information foraging game! Thank you for this info, it does help but like Pam WhimsicalVintage I have no time for much data collection. So this info is worth its weight in gold to me. Thank you again.

  23. Margaret Siemers and INDIA STREET ANTIQUES / DANISH MODERN SAN DIEGO, thank you! I took a minute to look at MeWe again and found this - Marketing Tips For Utilizing the Private Social Network MeWe
    I guess what I need to figure out is if someone is searching for reference posts, will the MeWe group come up in a Google search or will the fact that they're private, just make it visible to in house searches? I want our group to be available to customers and shop owners, so that visibility is important to me.

  24. Pam WhimsicalVintage And that is the problem for anyone with a shop. And another reason I am looking carefully at where to land. I would love to find a place where I can land within 5 feet of everyone, community wise and selling wise. We have been spoiled by the Google search engines, but now they want us to do what we figured out how to do for free to cost us via Adsense.
    I may just have to break down and see what hiring a marketing person could do for us all. I'd share the info... at 10 Cents a glance. (snicker, couldn't resist a small pun) but I honestly don't want to have to be on several platforms to get things accomplished. (I hope Santa puts coal in Google's stocking this year for all the problems they have caused too!)
    Things will be investigated more after the holidays. Thank you Pam WhimsicalVintage for that good information and again thank you INDIA STREET ANTIQUES / DANISH MODERN SAN DIEGO for all the help in this dialogue.

  25. Agreed Margaret Siemers, on all counts:) Hopefully we'll land in the same spot!

  26. I did some more research and experimentation with MeWe today. Here are my findings:

    When you create a Post you can share to your contacts, so building a Contact list is important. Once it is posted, the share button enables sharing within a Group. There are a couple text editing options available to assist with Post creation: Bold, Italics, and line-through. Plus, you van add emojis and build your hashtag list. There is an option to check to Feature a Post at the top of your Feed, so you may have a special item you want to feature, or a Post about your business you want to leave at top. You can also create image Albums for your categories.

    In Personal Profile and Privacy Settings you must check to allow your Contacts to see your other Contacts if you want that option. I know it helps me to find other Group individuals I want to connect with. You must also check to enable your Profile to be included in MeWe Search. Your Profile will be visible, but not your Posts until they make Contact with you. You may also adjust your settings regarding Notifications and Feed. Your view must be set to accommodate posts bumped to top of feed due to new comments. The upside is because MeWe does not use feed curating algorithms, your posts are served to all your contacts.

    Your Profile carries it's own link URL for sharing on other social media platforms or in invites to MeWe.

    Groups can be set to Open Group or closed.

    For Searches on MeWe, bots search all text for keywords in query, so hashtags not necessary. I am not sure what hashtags, or Universal Tagging, are useful for on MeWe, except to organize content in My Cloud, which is where your images, files, and hashtags are stored. Every time you post an image, your image is auto stored there. Same for hashtags. I tried a hashtag I found with a post on MeWe in search on Bing and Google, with no result presented for the post on the SERPs. My conclusion is that due to privacy settings, posts are not searchable outside of MeWe. I could not even get an image match with Cortana.

    There are a couple other items that MeWe appears to be working on as I do not see these options on my MeWe:
    Group Tweet: personal settings allowing for group members to view what other members are Tweeting; and share button for sharing posts to Twitter, FB and Pinterest.

    The drawbacks: Hidden Costs!

    Pages may be created for a business or a product/brand, but it costs 2.99 / month to host.

    For My Cloud, where images, tags, and files are stored, 8GB is free. To free up space you can download and clean out your content, or purchase space, up to 50GB at 4.99 / month.

    Secret Chat is .99 / mo and Custom Emojis are .99 a packet.

    MeWePro is for companies and it costs about 75.00 / month per employee.

  27. INDIA STREET ANTIQUES / DANISH MODERN SAN DIEGO Such helpful information. I can't thank you enough. Was this a business hashtag you were trying to follow or a normal member post. I am guessing business or community perhaps? If it's a business then could you follow the link to the page without the hashtag? I know venues like Etsy and Ebay rely heavily on hashtags, but if a click through gets you to the same place that a plus for both this community and my business landing in the same town. That would be very nice for me. I am going to ping Pam WhimsicalVintage again to be sure she sees this as I know it will be of interest to her too.

    Not thrilled with the cost, it's low enough to start, but that usually spirals upwards when they see it is a cash cow for them and then they become another google or facebook. (just my opinion folks, no need to throw tomatoes.) Still, as May West once said "A girl gotta make a livin, now doesn't she?"

    Endless thanks for your information finding ways.

  28. Thanks to Ann Kennedy I'm looking at a platform called MeWe, it's very similar to G+ and even I can navigate around d it so it's that easy! Here's a link to it if anyone's I interested. - MeWe: The best chat & group app with privacy you trust.

  29. David Bennett Thank you David, we do have a foot in the door, a place marker if you will, in case this becomes the one. And it may well be the one we move to. Your feedback is invaluable on this and I am encouraging everyone to chime in on what they know or find. Toward the end of January you will have more on our move, but for now holidays, and a really bad head cold are holding things on status quo.

  30. INDIA STREET ANTIQUES / DANISH MODERN SAN DIEGO Very nice Overview! Thanks for digging into Mewe's features.

  31. I'm looking forward to getting a look at . PlusPora powered by Diaspora seems to be a pretty good alternative.


  32. I signed up for the openbook beta as well as the below options:
    Mastadon: - Steve H. (
    Pluspora looks promising. Tom Brydon mentioned it as an option in our previous discussion.

  33. Steve Hart I just sent you a contact request on MeWe😊..good to see familiar faces "over there"!

  34. I am on the waitlist for Open Book. We will see how it goes when it opens up.


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