Hi Friends.

Hi Friends. It is hard to imagine that another year has passed and that our time together on G+ will soon be coming to an end. This is the community that raised me and nurtured me every day with interesting and amusing posts from around the world! I came to G+ quite by accident and discovered this incredible vintage family at a time when I was struggling to complete my blog project and really needed a diversion. Joining this community was the best thing I've ever done online. I have learned and loved and discovered more than I ever imagined and I've been repeatedly inspired by the posts from all of you. Happy, happy New Year and I hope our vintage paths continue to cross!


  1. Happy New Year to all "Vintage" members. I too hope this community can be resurrected on another platform to keep entertaining and inspiring. 😀

  2. Happy New Year Ann and to The Vintage Life G+'ers! 🎉🎊🎉

  3. Happy new year, Ann. I keep trying to find a silver lining to G+ going away (for example, one less social media to spend time on) yet you summed up why it's so sad that the platform is dissolving. I, too, stumbled on G+ by accident, and I've met truly the best community here. I'm a nostalgist, and to meet others who honor the past--it has been such a joy. Have an inspired 2019.

  4. I hope we will be able to stay in touch, wherever we go!

  5. Who said that you cannot make friends on the Internet, and that typing on a keyboard in front of a screen is merely an illusion?
    I've shared more on G+ than I ever did with my next door neighbor.
    I have also subscribed to a few other communities, but there is something amazing about Vintage Life, it's that members do not only give pluses to one another, but they TALK with each other, and sometimes about deep and interesting subjects.
    We know that Margaret Siemers is trying to find a way to survive to G+, but we also know that friends will remain friends wherever they decide to go.
    Oh! I nearly forgot! My best wishes to all for tonight and for the rest of 2019!

  6. Happy New Year to all in the group!!

  7. Happy New Year, everyone. I, too, hope another platform can be found.

  8. Ann Kennedy, You have enriched so many groups and individuals, with your interesting and beautiful posts here. I am glad you decided to join other groups, so that they too may be blessed by your posts. :-)

  9. Well said Laurent Truillet I've enjoyed many friendships on G+.

    Happy New Year to you too. :)

  10. Oshi Shikigami And you, my mentor, are responsible for much of my photography learning!

  11. If you all wind up on MeWe, please let me know..I'm on a few groups over there, some of which are already G+ transitions~

  12. Mike Srok I also think MeWe is a good choice.

  13. Laurent Truillet it's pretty easy to navigate, fairly close to G+ (with some differences of course, but easy to get used to). Its gonna be sad to see G+ close as I have enjoyed it these past few years, but as long as we all land somewhere so we can keep sharing, etc., it won't be so bad~

  14. Thank you Ann Kennedy, you have said everything better than I could have. Happy New Year my Friend.


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