This is a page of a pre-WWII toy catalogue from Maerklin, the famous German toy maker, which is still very active...

This is a page of a pre-WWII toy catalogue from Maerklin, the famous German toy maker, which is still very active today. The catalogue bears no date, but I think it's 1934.
It's horrible to think that most of the kids who loved to play with these toys got killed by the likes of them during the war...
I wonder if the survivors would still play with the same toys.


  1. Those are very sophisticated looking toys and it looks like a wonderful catalog of interesting things. Yes, it's very sad to think of the young lives lost to the "real item"!

  2. I cannot but think, those who did have the opportunity to "play" with them when they were younger, had garnered some 'truths' and techniques, along with 'training', that may have served, to give some, however small edge, in surviving, their 'actual' use?

  3. Ann Kennedy Oshi Shikigami
    Yes, this is really a wonderful catalogue of toy trains and many other old toys.
    It contains only two pages of war things.
    I might upload the whole catalogue on Flickr and give a link for all Vintage Life members to download it.

  4. I would like to see all of it! :-)


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