Subtle advertising from one of my Collections [ ] of 19th century advertising trade cards.

Subtle advertising from one of my Collections [ ] of 19th century advertising trade cards. (To avoid discussion unrelated to Vintage Life, follow your choice of the individual Collections, not my Profile.)


  1. Oh but Jeff, your profile is chock full of interesting things that are vintage, and everyone can unfollow whatever collection they don't wish to see. Still, an either or choice is nice to be offered. Thank you for taking my hint, I love the thought that went into these old advertising cards that you curate and the rich colors.

  2. Margaret Siemers Thanks so much! An individual who followed my Profile objected to my environmental politics (too much "hyperbole"). I am aware, too, that there are some who object to all politics. Thus, I think it best to make folks aware of their choices.

    I think I've got my Profile set up now so that it does not include posts from Environmental Politics. People have to follow that Collection separately if they want to see the latest posts. To my amazement, over three score have done so! (Ha! Or we could say that out of the hundreds of thousands of possible followers on Google+, only about 70 find my political posts of any interest. ;-)

  3. Jeff Diver That bus you are using as the header of the collection is a killer, and I joined. : )

  4. Margaret Siemers Welcome aboard! I suspect I'm not the only passenger on this particular bus wanting to get off asap!

  5. Scott Clute Interesting point. Yes, when it comes to pollution, anything goes these days! It does appear that we are repeating American history by going back to the 19th century robber-baron, let corporations do as they please mentality here in the 21st century.

    Visitors to my Collections need pay no attention to these boring, repetitious cycles of American history. The Environmental Politics Collection should appear in their feeds only if they choose to follow it in particular. It is not included in the posts people will get if they follow my Profile.

    Profile followers will get new posts in "Outstanding Photographers," etc. in addition to posts having to do with 19th century trade cards. I could change that, but then it would not be a complete Profile of my posts.

    For a heavy dose of the 19th century, click the link below.

    On Google+ the policy is take what you want and leave the rest. You're the boss! - The Earl J. Arnold Advertising Card Collection 1885


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