It's Summer already over here ! Deliciously sunny and hot today !

It's Summer already over here ! Deliciously sunny and hot today !
Time to think about picnics !
Here is a vintage family photo reminding me of a similar one posted by Ann Kennedy some time ago. It was taken on 1957-08-13. The little girl facing the camera is my future wife, her brother is facing the camera and their parents are at both ends.
And their faithful Beetle is patiently waiting in the background !


  1. They packed a lot into their Beetle; folding table and chairs, and of course the satchel! I love that mother is wearing her pearls, so very 1950s. It's a wonderful photo!

  2. Laurent Truillet Do you know who was taking the picture? It could not have been you, this I know for a fact so no need to try and tease that it was you. : ) (She was a cute kid too, no wonder you fell for her.)

    I agree with you Ann Kennedy, Love seeing the pearls on the mom. Back then no proper lady went anywhere unless completely dressed and a string of pearls was a huge part of that dress.

  3. Margaret Siemers
    Who took the photo ?
    I had to ask my wife who gave me an unexpected answer. She remembers well that her father used a tripod and a retarder on the camera.
    Elementary, my dear Watson !


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