

Hi Gang!

Just want to let you all know where I have been this week, because it wasn't on G+.

My house went on the market about 9 days ago and all that is crazy ensued the moment the sign went into the front yard!

Crazy as in Realtors, House Hunters and trying to keep the place "show ready" while you are still living in it. AARGH!

Needless to say this is all time consuming and so I am MIA for another week or so, at least they tell me things will become less hectic once that first rush of the Lookie Loos are done with.

It's a bit like if you had to actually live with Donna Reed in the meantime. Everything perfect and in place, and you can't be here when the house is being shown. I figure that's because they don't want the homeowner to go ballistic when people track mud in the house or you actually see the child standing on the leather sofa instead of just finding the tracks and footprints when you return from your forced exile.

Well, you get the idea of what I am dealing with and why I am here and then not here again. It's all a process, and I know it will smooth out eventually. Just do me a favor and if you pray, remember me in your prayers tonight. I could sure use a buyer to end all of this.



  1. Trucker Kev The Paid Tourist No, I am still going to be in the same county actually, I am looking to move a few miles down the road and be nearer to both of my daughters and their families. I have 4 beautiful grandchildren to enjoy. I'm staying put Trucker Kev The Paid Tourist

  2. Margaret Siemers Nice..Hope house gets good offer

  3. Trucker Kev The Paid Tourist Thanks Kev, I hope so too.

  4. We're all praying for a quick and successful sale!

  5. Ann Kennedy Thank you Ann, that means so much to me.


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