The 1962 Oldsmoblie 98...

The 1962 Oldsmoblie 98...


  1. I owned a 1963. Fabulous car. So big, it was illegal to drive some places...

  2. That trunk looks big enough to allow a family of five camp out in it for a week. They were massive cars.

  3. Margaret Siemers smuggled two buddies of mine into a drive-in in that trunk. Were at least 180lbs each

  4. Malachi Burke I had not thought of Drive-in Smuggling in ages. I am guilty of having done that too, only I was the one being smuggled. lol and it wasn't as big as this trunk either.
    What can I say, I was a bit of a rebel in those days and we decided money saved on my ticket would be spent at the concession stand on popcorn,so it was all good in our thinking. (not good thinking, but we were thinking.)


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