Is anyone else having trouble pulling up a picture on a post like in advertising something either downloaded or a...

Is anyone else having trouble pulling up a picture on a post like in advertising something either downloaded or a screenshot to get enlarged look at it only to see media not found?


  1. Not the only things I'm seeing that with; more annoying to my way of thinking are the photos I'd like to see from people I'm following and the links that take me nowhere. like the sweatshirt my mom got me says: "99 bugs in the code, 99 bugs in the code, take one down and patch it up, 132 bugs in the code"

  2. Brian Christian I just checked help comm..App F'ed up again..They are aware and say open Gplus thru Chrome? So til fixed I guess that is what need to be done..At least many have issue 😬

  3. ...and I'm on desktop Chrome, Kevin! It's not just the mobile app >:/

  4. Yes, the G+app is crazy. Glad Im not the only one that notice that

  5. Yes I think G Plus is having a lot of problems. I can hardly get anything up for days and days already.

  6. Update. 1120 pm.cst 02 22 can see more again..about 80% so problem getting resolved as far as that..Other stuff prior slooooow load refresh yourself remains to be seen with app

  7. G+ has been flaky. Stuff works and not and back agin sometimes in the same day! Lately it marks as read what has not yet been read, and other Post don't leave the un-viewed part of the list at going to the same post several time. Also Notifications from the right side of page, do not agree with notifications from the left sides lists!


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