A cab rank in Bishopgate 1912

A cab rank in Bishopgate 1912


  1. how far back was your ancestor who drove a hansom cab? I wouldn't mind seeing him again - he looked like a jolly man

  2. Patsy Priebe hello my dear Patsy. I know very little about the Mortimer side of the family. I don’t have a picture of him, maybe I posted a generic picture from the internet to show a cab driver of that period.
    Thomas Mortimer was a handsome cab driver in the city of Kingston Upon Hull. He passed away on the 27 June 1901 at the age of 46, recorded on the death certificate was the cause Pneumonia and his address, 3 Cromwell Terrace,Cromwell street,Hull. (Born 1856 and Married in 1872 age 29)
    A most interesting past time chasing ones relatives (especially the female side of the family).

  3. John T I think your correct, they do look like an early Renault.

  4. Your family is quite interesting!!! I think I must have been thinking of a different grandfather or great grandfather you showed and mixed them up with the story of the cab driver. It would be interesting indeed to know more about what his life was like. At first I was thinking his pneumonia must have been from over-exposure to the elements, but he died in June, so maybe that wasn't it. What a shame he did not live to have more years with his wife.

  5. Patsy Priebe I will see if I can gain access to his medical records, shouldn’t be too hard as he has been deceased over a hundred years.

  6. Darran Hughes yes, that would be interesting. There's a bit of a family mystery about my mother's father's death. The death certificate says something about a hematoma (isn't that caused by a blow?) to the head and even an autopsy if I'm not mistaken, but family legend has it that he died of an infection he caught from pigeons while feeding them. My brother and I decided it is something best left alone. If it was a violent death, maybe his daughters couldn't deal with it and invented the pigeon story to give it more of a happy ending. We'll never know anymore.


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