This article takes me back.

This article takes me back. I used to have to pitch in and run the elevators in Board of Trade (120 Bldg.) It was one of the buildings in downtown Wichita that my mom managed. It was so much fun but I never could get those cars completely level with the floor. "Watch your step!"


  1. I rode in a manual elevator downtown Chicago once. It was a thrill as a child to experience that nostalgia.

  2. When I was a child, there was one of these in the largest department store in town. I always made a point of riding on it with every visit.

    It was "conducted" by a lovely old man who was either a WW1, or Civil War vet! He was very professional, but would chat, if it was not busy. I probably tried his patience, asking questions on how the elevator worked. He could nail the flour level precisely at least 9 out of 10 times, too. Lovely memories...

  3. Thank you for sharing this wonderful memory Madges Hatbox (and for your kindness and best wishes on other matters, I simply have been under an avalanche of things that are taking priority over good manners.)
    Also thank you for sharing your memories too That Great Shop and Oshi Shikigami. You have all made me smile today.


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