Remember this number!

Remember this number! 3-5845000020220 You will need to copy and paste it later. Do read all the way down this post to understand.

Just to keep you all apprised to what is going on with the community.
First I wanted to let you all know that through my personal distress, I am still looking in on you all and moderating "requests to join", posts in the "possible spam" and "hold for moderation" folders. Still trying to share some posts also.
I may not stop in everyday since Mr. Siemers passed, but rest assured I would never abandon you as each of you has become an important connection in my life. You all are helping me keep perspective through this difficult time and season. I can not thank you enough for your heartfelt words. I feel very blessed.

Second, I wanted to share that we have had no "active" owners in the community for several years now.
More recently, after talking to the owner and asking that they also make me an owner (inclusive) so I could appoint other Moderators to help in situations like we are experiencing at the moment, these dear folks, whom I think the world of, didn't understand and demoted themselves to Moderators thinking that this would solve the problem. I appreciate the help they thought they were giving, however it makes it a bit harder to now have an owner. (We are considered an Orphaned Community)

What I need from the community:

Below is a link that I would ask all of our active posting and commenting members to click on. It will take you to an official Google page on Google+ Help.

You will see the heading "Transfer Google+ Community ownership" You will also see "I'd like to: request to own a Community that no longer has an owner", and beside that a pencil.

Please click on the pencil and it will reveal a second selection. It is this second selection I ask you to click on. (click the empty dot beside it.) "Endorse someone else's request to own a Community that no longer has an owner.

It is vital that I have your endorsement to accomplish this task. So please do take a few moments now and do this for all of us. I don't know how fast Google will take action on this request, it was even suggested that they are not even working on requests right now. I don't know, but if we don't try, we may never know.

Instructions for your endorsement will be shown when you click on the second choice. And just in case any of you need a reminder. Our Community is called "The Vintage Life" and I am Margaret Siemers.

Thank you all so much for your time on this, and to all that are helping to keep the conversations going while I am readying my home for sale and dealing with all of the emotions everything is causing.

Oh, and let's get some Christmas in this place. I need it now more than ever!
Apparently G+ changed the way they do things with this, and I will be sending our active members a "Request Number" soon. You will need this to complete the endorsement. (Ya gotta give Google points for trying to do things well, and correct the first time.) : )


  1. Okay Margaret - got 'er done and I hope it all goes smoothly for you to make this a more manageable task for you. I appreciate you SO much for the way you have taken on these responsibilities and kept it all up in spite of challenges, and now the tragic loss of your husband. You show a vintage character quality -- faithfulness to duty.

    Best wishes for the Christmas season and I hope the family keeps you wrapped up tight with love and care.

  2. Thank you Patsy Priebe, my family is, as you so beautifully say, keeping me wrapped up tight with love and care.
    Thank you for your support in the needed transition. Both in my life and here on G+.
    Google says I only need three people from the community to confirm my request. However it was suggested to me that as many as possible replying may catch the attention of the powers that be a little better.
    So I thank you for getting the ball rolling on this one. : )

  3. I am #2 of 3 then :-) Come On! Just one more! (or more is better :-)

  4. Thank You Oshi Shikigami And yes, more is better in this task as we need to get Google's attention. They are not doing much with the requests as I understand it and that isn't good for this community.

  5. I tried but got lost with all the URL stuff..did not know url of ximmunity or how to enter it
    I entered the number you gave but all the other stuff got me ??

  6. Not to worry Trucker Kev The Paid Tourist It got me too at first but I'm a persistent old stinker. You need to go into the community itself, then the address at the top of the page in the address bar will say this:
    you just copy and paste it.
    It doesn't look like it has a space to paste it into. (why I have no idea!) but there is a thin blue line that looks more like it is separating one part from another. Just click there and it will let you paste the URL.
    You would do the same thing with your info, just go to your Profile Page, not the home page. Copy the address at the top of your profile page. Mine looks like this, yours will most likely have your name
    Then just repeat the pasting like you did for the community address.
    It's ok if you don't get it to work, no need to feel you let me down. I understand completely how troublesome this kind of stuff can be. (besides, you can't let me down Kev you have been extremely helpful in the past and I don't forget that.) So no worries. And thank you for helping in the first place. : )

  7. I have just added another endorsement . so fingers crossed!
    I am amazed at your strength and commitment. Just to let you know you are and have been in my thoughts.

  8. Done! So let's start getting Christmasy! Bless your heart.

  9. You guys are the best, really. I have to laugh as I sit here with teary eyes, reading your comments reminded me of an old Andy Hardy Movie. Just that kinda sweetness. You're all amazing people, Thank you.

  10. Sorry Margaret Siemers Im a little late to this, however submitted.

  11. Done.I have a hope all will be OK .Let's celebrate Xmas.

  12. Darran Hughes Late is forgiven, you have further to travel.
    ; ) and thank you.

  13. Jörn Wojcieszak and Inka WSmith thanks to you both also. It will be OK, friends like yourself, and all the amazing people on this post help it to be always, OK.

  14. Margaret Siemers There is best ever group of friends and lovers of vintage in one.We have to keep that group.

  15. Margaret Siemers condolences to you. It’s not easy. And exhausting. But you’ll get through. One moment at a time. One task at a time. Do what you can. I’ve got to provide a different number ? As well as copy and paste your links and email. Otherwise it prefills my own info and I drop in and look into the Vintage life much less than I once did. I’ll gladly nominate you as you ask for ownership but it requests more info.

  16. Natasha Penso Thank you, you and the effort is appreciated, along with your very kind and heartfelt words. It is hard, as I have just signed with a realtor this week and now we commence putting the house on the market, reading things to go to auction and more. My life is not my own any longer, I can't locate anything, or can't get to it because it has been boxed. (yes, I do have a master list of what box has what, still it is challenging.) I know this will all have a good outcome, and the next phase of my life will be smoother, it's just staying sane until that happens. Folks like yourself help to give me strength through this all, and I thank each and every one of you so much.

  17. We all feel with you, but its hard to go thru anyway. Hope u ll stay strong and be happy again some day!

  18. Margaret Siemers just keep standing. This video may bring a smile and a sad cathartic tear but it helped me. Today. Just keep standing.


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