A promo still for a Paramount Pictures' film - Clara Bow waiting for Santa Claus

A promo still for a Paramount Pictures' film - Clara Bow waiting for Santa Claus


  1. I can relate except I'm waiting for snow! Her expressions were always priceless.

  2. If she had really been sitting in snow in that outfit she would be more than impatient, she'd be frozen 😜⛄

  3. Ann Kennedy we have had minor snow's here twice this week already. Nothing staying yet, but so nice to see. (I like the nothing sticking yet part the best.) ; )

  4. Margaret Siemers A little bit of holiday snow is always a treat to see. Nothing here yet, just a lot of grey. I'm glad to see you posting a bit and hope you're taking one day at a time.

  5. That Great Shop. lol She would also be looking for new slippers if she did ever get down from there. Did you notice the feathers on them? Still, I love the scene and the "creative" way Hollywood could make it snow when needed.
    While I'm talking, I have to say this shot reminds me of the 1953 song by Eartha Kitt "Santa Baby".



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