A hoop and a stick...

A hoop and a stick...


  1. Here's an interesting tidbit from Wikipedia to tell you a little more.
    Hoop driving was also seen as a remedy for the sedentary and overprotected lives led by many American girls of the mid-19th century.
    The game was popular with both girls and boys: in an 1898 survey of 1000 boys and 1000 girls in Massachusetts, both the girls and the boys named hoop and stick their favorite toy.
    In Ohio, the wood of the American elm (Ulmus americana) was particularly valued for making hoop-poles.

    At Bryn Mawr College, Wellesley College, and Wheaton College, the Hoop Rolling Contest is an annual spring tradition that dates back to 1895, and is only open to graduating seniors on that college's May Day celebration.

  2. I had many hours with these. Always used found bicycle wheels; rarely with rubber attached.

  3. frank o'shea Thank you for sharing. I bet it kept you busy for hours.


  4. Lovely slice from an earlier time, no Xboxes in those days!!! 😬


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