While getting older, I expect i'm not the only one desperately trying to re-live his past. In 1964, we were a bunch of friends looking for any destination just for the fun of cycling. The first photo of this post was taken at a friend's parent's beautiful property some 20 miles out of town (I am the handsome young man on the bike).
Last week, thanks to the Internet and to the satellite views, I found the place again.
I visited today, explained to the lady of the house the reason of my visit, and asked her to take a picture of me exactly on the same spot.
Here is the picture. Fifty-three years have passed between the two !
Sadly, the stone arches are the only things that haven't changed !
Taking "Then-and-Now" pictures can be fun. They always give a good excuse for a photo trip...


  1. That is so cool that you were able to get that done. I do mostly try to relive my younger years and for the most part I can but I just don't look the same on the outside. Bummer. Great photo.

  2. So lovely the memories and the opportunity to live it again ❤❤ You're not the only one ! I also try to re-live the past ☺☺

  3. You are so right, pictures conjure up a time when our lives stretched out ahead and now, looking back we wonder were those years have gone.
    This is a lovely exercise you've undertaken and I'm sure I wont be the only one considering similar "then & now" pictures.
    You've aged very well, thanks for a lovely post.

  4. Evelon Burley Arlene Gasparello David Bennett
    Thank you for your spontaneous comments to this post. I see that we're all on the same page. I'll try to do more whenever I have a good idea !

  5. Love this post, the pictures and the thoughts.

  6. Laurent Truillet It's a very interesting project Laurent, please continue with it.

  7. Always love your posts Laurent Truillet. Your projects are wonderful.


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