TV Trivia: "The concept for The Andy Griffith Show originated from a February 1960 episode of The Danny Thomas Show...

TV Trivia: "The concept for The Andy Griffith Show originated from a February 1960 episode of The Danny Thomas Show called “Danny Meets Andy Griffith” that set the whole show in motion. A few months later, Griffith had his own show."


  1. A few years later Danny Thomas funds St. Jude's Childrens Resarch Hospital. - History of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

  2. I think I remember that introduction show. Both guys were amazingly good men. Wish we had more like them today.
    As an aside, St. Jude's Hospital monitors my husband's Pacemaker at night, via a little box next to his bed. The service is free as it uses the information as research, as well as keeping him alive should anything go wrong. They are doing amazing things, and Danny is the reason behind it all.


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