Noddy by Enid Blyton. A childhood favourite.

Noddy by Enid Blyton. A childhood favourite.
1949 to 1963


  1. Aw, I bet this was a cute story. Never heard of it so it most likely didn't get this far. : ) Thanks for sharing Darran Hughes I know we have others from your neck of the woods that I am sure enjoy seeing this.

  2. Noddy and Big Ears, great characters in their day by Enid Blyton. Seem to have gone out of fashion now.

  3. Looks like some of the Characters were always "up in arms" and shouting.
    Were they elves or dolls or just what Mike Perry Darran Hughes

  4. Margaret Siemers many characters exist in the noddy books. My favourite are the Goblins (Gobbo) mischievous characters. A clockwork mouse also spends his time moving around the town. Too many characters to mention. (Dolls,bears,clockwork creatures,goblins,skittles,cats,elephant,monkey)

  5. Wonderful to know Darran Hughes and the characters sound delightful.

  6. What a fun post! Like Margaret, I'm not familiar with this little guys. They certainly look like they could stir up some entertainment and mischief:-) Really cute!


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