Massachusetts Turnpike, 1973

Massachusetts Turnpike, 1973
It looks like the 10 year old Chevy overheated.

photo by Mitch Epstein


  1. Stopped at a ubiquitous, "Ho-Jo's" :-)

  2. I'll take an order of clam strips while I wait!!

  3. It always amazes me to think that Jacques Pepin worked for HoJo's , for about 10 years I think:-)

  4. Ann Kennedy HoJo's was a huge thing at one time. And perhaps back then they wanted the best? That or "everybody's gotta be someplace" as my Fred likes to say when I ask him what he needs when he walks in the room and he doesn't particularly want a thing.

  5. Margaret Siemers It was our family favorite for roadtrip ice cream and turnpike survival! I hope you tell your Fred "I'm glad you think this is the place to be" when he walks in the room. That way he'll be speechless and will go elsewhere:-) Good to hear your sweet voice!

  6. Good Idea, I will try that one out on him. Except I may add "we are sorting/folding/washing laundry in here and all who enter must help." That should guarantee a speedy departure. lol Thanks for the idea. I promise not to tell him where I got it from. ; )

  7. Oh boy Ann Kennedy, isn't that the truth! My dad's favorite and only stop when we were on the road, which was quite a bit. He was one of those, we don't stop for anything, types but I always knew that when we did, it would be HoJos and there were clam strips and ice cream in my future:)
    Margaret Siemers Great idea from Ann! What I do with Bruce is to hand him...groceries, a knife, laundry, cleaning spray (whatever it is that I'm doing) and say, "Here, can you do this while you're in here?"
    GONE like he was never there!

  8. Pam WhimsicalVintage Why I never thought of this before I will never know. lol


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