This is another one of the Carnival Day at the nursery school.

This is another one of the Carnival Day at the nursery school.
The date : 1952-02-27.
I am the taller one on the left, with my younger brother on the right. My brother was not two years old yet, so he couldn't be with me at school, but I suppose he was accompanying my mother so the photographer proposed to take him on the photo.
The trousers were made on purpose for the event. The motifs were embroidered by hand by my mother. Such an amount of work for one event !
Between us, we have always called this photo the "Laurel and Hardy" !


  1. Love the hat! That must hold some happy memories.

  2. I can see a likeness from your profile picture. I like reference to Laurel & hardy and, yes, there is a similarity!!

  3. So CUTE! Both of you boys were. Yes your mother did work hard on those costumes but that is what mom's do for their children. Doesn't matter if it is for one event or several. She was another great mom to have. Laurent Truillet


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