Hey Gang!

Hey Gang! Guess what??? I just found out that G+ does now have a way to go back to the single stream in your pages...AND you can turn off that NASTY scrolling comments thing at the bottom of a post if you want.

Go to: https//www.plus.google.com/settings

then adjust the buttons on that page to make your g+ experience
more to your liking.

And here I thought they forgot about us. lol

(No applause please, just throw +1s at this post.


  1. G+ still does not suffice. Interface idiotic!

  2. I hear you frank o'shea but it is what we have to work with and I am letting everyone know what I find to help make it a better experience. I don't know why they do what they do, but they do it.

  3. I use G+ Margaret Siemers to pop out a rant now and again and even to make statements for which it is handy, but it's multitude of photographers is what drew me initially, so Ii'm pondering if I ought just stick with Flickr because of that, I'll jump soon.

  4. frank o'shea As the saying goes...To each his own. : )

  5. At least there is a choice.Because of a little healthy competition, they should continue to improve. Imagine... post to: social media


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