A 40s Boy.

A 40s Boy.

Daily Life at Grandma's House. (a couple of pics have been lost on this blog post)




  1. These memories of a different kind of life are priceless David Bennett And many of the things you lived through I did too. I grew up on a farm whose main house was built in 1711. I was 8 before father had a coal furnace installed to heat the entire large stone house. And well know of the dangers of a hot water bottle falling to the floor in the night. It was always frozen come morning!
    It was not easy growing up that way, but not knowing anything different you didn't mind and actually, was also wonderful. I think families were so much closer then.

  2. These memories, and the way you express them, are so very special and as Margaret says, "priceless". As children, it seems we took "hardships" for granted, but without complaint. Things were just, well, as they were and that's all. We were across the ocean, but family dinners were the same and we too were taught good manners and expected to be kind and polite. Maybe now I'm old fashioned, but it disturbs me to see badly behaved children and adults in restaurants, and I always whether they weren't taught as children, or they were but no longer care. Your posts are fascinating whether or not I've read them before.

  3. Thank you Ann Kennedy I appreciate your comments.


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