The first drive-in theater, Camden, New Jersey, 1933

The first drive-in theater, Camden, New Jersey, 1933


  1. Anything to get Jersey drivers off the road. Bawaahahaha.
    Sorry, it's a Pennsylvania joke, same as "Jersey Drivers; No survivors"
    It's O.K., Some of my best friends are from Jersey.
    Um, perhaps I should sit down and be quiet now?
    Very Cool post Tom Brydon and forgive my silliness, Just trying to shake off some of the rainy gloom today.

  2. With all the massive cars in front of them, how could anyone possibly watch the screen ?
    Of course, everybody knows that the film has never been the purpose of going to a drive-in !

  3. Laurent Truillet I see what your saying here. It's to eat at the concession stand, right? Or perhaps to swing on the swings most had for us kids to amuse ourselves on before the show? ; )

  4. Margaret Siemers Probably yes !
    We didn't have drive-in theaters in Belgium, nor anywhere in Europe, so I missed those delightful swing sessions the American yougsters seemed to be so keen about !


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