A sampling of Victorian hairstyles from 1855 - 1880

A sampling of Victorian hairstyles from 1855 - 1880


  1. Excuse me but I think they had extensions back then.

  2. Stephen Russell , how could you know, you're only a man. ; ) Hair extensions have been around for centuries. Women have simply been very good at keeping the mystery of our beauty a secret.
    I know Lady Sandra's reply sounds a little harsh, but I know the gentle soul didn't mean it that way.

  3. Another wonderful photo to share with us Tom Brydon You honestly are good at finding things like this. Thank you.

  4. Please excuse me, Margaret Siemers I did not mean anything harsh merely making a comment. The internet makes things sound weird, you can never tell how anyone is going to take you, sometimes I am afraid to even comment at all cause it could be taken wrong. I just wanted to make it short ...

  5. Lady Sandra I know what your intent was, which is why I clarified what you said. I also understand the younger generation's need for
    speed and brevity.
    However, there are courtesies and niceties that we all prefer to see when talking to a diverse gathering such as we have here in this community.
    Thoughtful considered opinions, are always welcome. And written language can be so misleading, especially to those of other native tongues that are looking in and trying to understand what we are saying. So perhaps it is best to write your comments here as if you were talking to one of your most respected professors. Especially when correcting someone's mistake, we must be observant of how they may be made to feel by our words.
    It is my job as Moderator to make sure that possible faux pas are corrected and all feelings are spared. I don't always succeed, but I do try.
    Talk to your friends with brevity all you want, they will understand I am sure. But when you are out in public, as you are here, I do ask that if you don't have the time to post a comment or statement, with thought and careful consideration then don't speak. Just read and + as so many of our members do with limited time. And had you taken the time to read and understand what I said in my earlier reply you would know that I understood.

    I say this not because I want to berate you, or think ill of you. Quite the contrary, I see a remarkable young woman with a huge need to know everything at once because there is so much in this world to know and so little time.

    The reason I say this is because I would love to see you become fully the fascinating being you are meant to be. And who else besides Grandma is going to tell you to slow down and enjoy the flowers along the path? Not many on Social Media, but then I am not like so many that are on Social Media. I believe in the old ways we helped to shape our young people, we spoke up with encouraging dialogue. Just as I hope you would see this to be so intended. (( Cyber Hug here to let you know I care ))

  6. Margaret Siemers I did understand what you said I was trying to agree with you and give an explanation for my bad behavior. This is something we have to study and work on at the University, it is actually part of the courses we take because when you conference call other countries in different languages with interpreters, or even England you can easily be misunderstood. I will try harder in the future or just plus one. :)


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