Wonderful photo's of member Eiffion Ashdown collection of Bulldogs.

Wonderful photo's of member Eiffion Ashdown collection of Bulldogs. (These are not for sale folks) make sure you take a look at the fan, as it is most interesting.

Originally shared by COLLECTIBULLDOGS And wiggles


So not to spam the group with bulldog antiques I've put all these together they have a very common feature and that is they are all hand carved bulldog heads. The first piece is a cane from the makers Lyons, the head is an American hardwood connected to a bamboo bottom. This piece should be glittering with antique finery but someone saw fit to take off this finery which is a great shame as the cane is very rare. Second piece is a fan made from a dark hardwood the seller said the piece dates to around 1870 but I reserve judgement on that for now. The last piece an umbrella I cannot date but do know it was made in Germany, the handle is a carved head with wooden shaft and has a metal mechanism the piece still retains original cloth too


  1. Thank you if I knew there were interested parties I could part with a piece or two (maybe lol)

  2. Eiffion Ashdown Now see, this is where you get on shaky ground in some communities. Here in The Vintage Life we don't allow posts that sell things. Sharing collections are fine however.
    Most all communities have the rules posted a little way down from the top of the page, so it could help you with your SEO (Search Engine Optamization) and sharing of your posts, (which you were lamenting about in another community) to check the rules before posting.
    Not upset with you at all, just trying to help you understand how G+ works. : )

  3. Eiffion Ashdown Wrote this before we talked so please do know I will "consider" what you post with us more carefully next time. : )

  4. Margaret Siemers now I'm confused yes I belong to other communities ma'am but not once have I sold or tried to sell anything from my collection on google plus only ever been told not to put a link in some and I can't even remember if that place was antiques related lol never mind it's all good and I still have great success on other medias it will fall into place I'm sure xx

  5. Margaret Siemers can I ask why my posts need to be considered ma'am are they not informative enough ?

  6. Eiffion Ashdown A carry over from the conversation we had in Vintage & Antiques.
    I am sorry if I confused you.

  7. Margaret Siemers story of my life no worries ma'am I'll get it in a month or two lol


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