
L. Schoenfeld & Sons department store offered their customers one of the most modern home furnishings selection in Tacoma, WA. The company hosted an appliance demonstrations for local Tacoma women. Here they are listening to a presentation on the latest washing machines and mangles. 1949.

#vintage #1940s #homeappliances


  1. And ever since, washing machines and dryers, both have taken on the responsibility to mangle cloths ever since.

  2. Oshi Shikigami One has to wonder why they named the machine a mangle. Not a great marketing concept.

  3. We had a mangle:-) It was fun to iron pillowcases. That was all.

  4. I had never heard of a mangle, so I had to find out about it. They must have been hard on buttons, and "pressed flat" would have been what everything was. But...I also found out they had been around since at least 1910 in machine form and variations of that kind of pressing goes back even farther. Cool.


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