I'm as excited as if I had discovered the tomb of Cleopatra !
Today, i came across another vintage postcard of my native village, and it features my grandparents house. I had to carefully compare the form of the roof and the position of the windows with one of my photos to be certain.
Now can it be possible that the lady standing in front of the house be my grandmother ? I believe that chances are over 50%


  1. Nice, Laurent Truillet! Congratulations on your discovery.

  2. Let's just assume it definitely is your grandmother and make that notation on the card for the joy of future generations! Wouldn't she step outside of her own home if she saw a photographer taking pictures on her street? Of course! So now it's settled. Are they wearing wooden clogs? That is a fantastic photo.

  3. That is so awesome. Nice find.I would be so excited too.

  4. I'm so excited for you! that's quite a wonderful find!  And Ann is right - there is no doubt but that it is your own grandmother!

  5. Ann Kennedy Thank you, Ann !
    If you say so, I am now definitely certain that it was my grandmother !
    And yes, every one was wearing wooden clogs in those days (probably between 1905 and 1914), and even for a long time afterwards.
    I remember when I was probably 5 years old, I also wanted to have wooden clogs like the rest of the family. So we went to a local clog maker (in the same street) and he had one pair made for my small feet. I got them the next day. But to say it all, I also remember how they were hurting me and did only a few steps with them...
    Another thing that I notice on this card are the wooden poles alongside the street. They suggest that electricity was about to come into the village. The poles must have just been planted, and they are not yet fitted with insulators nor cables.

  6. Patsy Priebe Ann Kennedy Thanks for your help in identifying my grandmother. Anyway, besides her, who else could it be ?

  7. Laurent Truillet I am so happy for you and glad that you have taken the advice of two very wise and wonderful ladies from the community! I agree with this panel of judges that "yes, it must be she!" and this is based solely on the evidence at hand and not sentiment for you. 
    I think Grandma would have been proud of your detective skills for finding her! 
    I did note the poles, and I thought to myself...what happened to the trees here in this street? LOL, a good thing I usually read all comments on a post before I ask a question.

  8. Margaret Siemers Hurray! The jury is now officially in:-)

  9. Margaret Siemers Thanks for joining the jury !
    I always appreciate the competence of "Vintage Life" members in this matter.

  10. What an wonderful insight into life at this time and made more interesting by the inclusion of your grandmother (I'm in the yes camp).
    I'm wondering what the large building in the foreground is, the person leaning against it seems to be wearing a uniform. I can see a distinct line of buttons indicating he is wearing a jacket or tunic.
    Maybe the building is the local post office and he is a telegram boy, this might explain the poles along the street. The thin open copper wires of a telegraph system would not have shown up against the sky, the poles don't look like electricity distribution to me.

  11. David Bennett Please read my comment on photo 2


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