I don't know if this counts but I started collecting replica antique "appliances" and I NEVER TOLD ANYBODY I had an...

I don't know if this counts but I started collecting replica antique "appliances" and I NEVER TOLD ANYBODY I had an Amazon wishlish, but months ago the sewing machine came (I had it on my list but don't know who sent it!!) But when you open the drawer for needles, thimbles and the like, the fitting bobs and the sewing garmet gets stitched PLUS BEETHOVEN PLAYS!! It's s music box too!! I play piano but didn't know it was a retro machine with movement AND MUSIC.

SO DELIGHTED, yet the sender is still a mystery. That makes it more romantic somehow. Lol

Then my Beatles record player and my phonograph and typewriter.

Just wanted to share with a group that would be excited. My friend were like "so...."

It's VERY HARD BECAUSE ON ONE HAND, I AM the "Gothic, dark, musician, painter and writer and loves dancing and my hair is usually pinkish or a red that's far from natural and I'm into liberal politics and am totally into new wave (not new age, wave, you know eighties British synth post punk - Depeche, the Smiths, Cure, joy division, new order, pixies, soft cell, Jeff Buckley, Radiohead) so i have THAT SET OF FRIENDS.

ON THE OTHER HAND, I AM a history nut ever since I was seven and got in a wee bit of trouble for reading my history book over the first weekend we got them because I couldn't stop. And I'm quiet and introverted and love animals and I'm sensitive and a Beatles freak COMPLETELY, but also Broadway, jazz, and anything from the 20s to the mid nineties and my dog is named Miles Davis..... and I have those friends too.

But it's very very hard to find someone kind punk... Kind of book worm. I've met one and he's by bff of twenty years, John Chapman​. TWENTY YEARS to find a kick ass best friend!!!

Anyway really excited I found you guys. My rock and roll crowd usually gets bored.... Or fall asleep when I talk about the bad rap Anne Boleyn and Marie Antoinette got. LoL


  1. There is many sides to everyone, one sided people tend to be boring to their friends even though most won't admit it.

  2. I say, if you can't have the real thing, what you've got is wonderful. 
    Usually we stick to absolutes in vintage here, but then again I did say a long while back that Rules should not be written in stone because it hurts my back when I have to change them. : )  
    I am excited for you because I understand the love of everything you are talking about. And we are happy when members share what they value most about the past. I would say what you have done is just that. 
    Thank you. It warms my heart actually to see the things you value for I too love everything shown.

  3. Margaret Siemers thanks. You are too cool for school!

  4. Ramon Volante. England Now Ray, I know your not tech savvy, but HOW is she to take a look at the Steampunk community? And WHAT Steampunk community? lol You don't have a link if your thinking of a particular one. 
    Love ya Ray-Ray.

  5. Ramon Volante. England​ already a long time member (I only show half my communities at s time so I don't not bore people) also s member of deiselpumk. It's similar but modern bits in twenties to forties era instead of industrial, Victorian or Edwardian. I will show all the communities I'm in for today. Like I said, normally I don't because I ask interested in so much!! Plus I am multilingual so I try I keep it mostly English.

  6. Ramon Volante. England Ya know, you said "Take a look at the STEAMPUNK community Dinah I think you'll love it." How long have you been speaking English? 
    I think my wondering what you meant was justified. 
    If I hurt your feelings I am sorry. I am just going by what you say and do.

  7. Ramon Volante. England I don't know what you are talking about, in the slightest. I'm a half Brit and my mum is American. I don't know why you think I was offended at all!!! I thought it was a clever observation of you to know I would be into steam punk. I didn't know anybody was distressed. Do forgive me, but I'm lost.

  8. Ramon Volante. England​ oh, I understand, you had a row with Ms. Margaret??
    I'm jealous though. As a half American and half English woman, my father found it somehow pertinent that I study French. Then I moved back with my mum. In FLORIDA. THEN NYC AS AN ADULT. I needed Spanish many times and got to use French maybe twice.
    Two years ago, while recovering from a broken back I decided to teach MYSELF German and Italian... Since after my mother passes, I will be going back to the U.K. I don't wish to raise future children here in the states.
    Why am I jealous?!? My other half said because I was doing both I was focusing on neither and to pick one or the other and until I mastered it, not pick up another language. I went with German as I had many German friends and we were swapping language lessons.

    But if I went with Italian...... We could talk in it and I could learn more.

    Now, I hope noone is upset with me or each other. That's a horrid way to start a week and I do so ADORE peace. I'm sorry if I said anything out of place. I try to always mind my manners. 

    Good night all.. Xoxox

  9. Lawritz Mann thank you!! You should see my Doctor who and Beatles collection. Plus a couple Eeyores and SPOCK Teddy bear. Sigh. I did love me some old school SPOCK. Emo tears...

  10. Ramon Volante. England danke und ditto.:-)

  11. Dinah Donovon No one's up set here either. That's just par for the course when you deal with public. Only about 50% gets understood in a written ongoing conversation. And you can't hear voice inflection or tone either so something said sweetly can be misconstrued. 
    He told me he loved me in two languages, so it couldn't have been all that bad. ; )

  12. Your record player is fantastic, as are your other treasures! I like how you describe yourself with such enthusiasm for the things you love:-)

  13. Ann Kennedy​​ Thank you. I hope I don't come off full of myself or such. I'm just excited by things but they are of two different worlds. Yes, I am all bohemian and moody sometimes, but I was THIS CLOSE to owning a SCREEN WORN pair of Lillian Gishes lace gloves and I literally had a conniption in the store.... 18... Blue hair, purple bangs, coffin purse and I am jumping up and down in a store about these gloves.

    That's NOTHING compared to the hissy fit I threw in the music shope when the last installment on Beatles Anthology was going to be a week late and the sign outside still had the original date (October 1996, 17... Magenta and black hair and dog collar).

    I FLIPPED. I got the manager who came out bumbling and stoned which would have been fine had the music been there.

    "You.....Forgot.... To Change Your Signs.... To let people KNOW that you.... Would... Have.. NO NEW BLOODY BEATLES TODAY!!!! WE TOOK OFF WORK TO LISTEN TO IT A FEW TIMES!!! I WAS UP ALL NIGHT. YOU COCK TEASED ME WITH BEATLES!!!!"

    He's lucky I like Chinese Food because my boyfriend slowly peeled me off the counter with promises of rewatching the documentary,.... With Chinese food.

    I only go bonkers when something happens like a So-called feminist never reading the feminine mystique or knowing who Gloria Steinem is or when a young gay friend was clueless to the STONEWALL RIOTS. I wasn't upset because he didn't know, I mean he was young. I was mad that he DIDN'T CARE.

    ANYWAY. I truly am more quiet and more of a listener these days although my entrance to this wonderful community makes one doubt it. Sorry lol

  14. I just go crazy when people aren't thankful for what came before. When women don't get that they could not vote just 100 ago and all that those wonderful suffragettes went through so we could have the rights we do, or kids into shite music now don't get the thread that goes back and back and back... Disrespect for who and what came before upsets me..

  15. We sound so much alike!  Do you lindy as well? I am a swing kid - and not the best but i love it  and love all the music of the 20s 30s and 40s xx
    Just last week I saw that film about Marie Antoinette with Kirsten Dunst, poor Marie, Poor girl xx

  16. Jazzy Lemon You know, I thought you and Dinah Donovon had a lot in common when I met her here. I'm happy you think so too.

  17. Jazzy Lemon​ I LOVE THAT FILM. People that panned it didn't get that with the soundtrack of eighties excess and New Wave Adam Ant, androgyny... That Sofia was trying to parallel the 1780s French elite with the over abundance and crazy what have you of the NINETEEN EIGHTIES. She even hints with the fashion, gay hairdressers, and snuff being sniffed like cocaine.

    By using a new wave, cure, Hong Kong garden, new order back drop, she was making the audience see the truth of propaganda and that things didn't change so much that it's Norma Shearer laughing and being bitchy. They were just eighteenth century Yuppies. Brilliant film!!!

  18. Dinah Donovon I love you. Let's be best friends and go for tea in the bohemian quarter. xx

  19. Jazzy Lemon quite right. My treat. ;)


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