

  1. I heard that if you throw the peelings back over your left shoulder they'll spell the name of the one you'll marry

  2. Patsy Priebe That may be true but a bit late for me.  Thanks for the comment, appreciated. :-)

  3. I haven't seen an old version like this one! We'll be waiting for a pie now:-)

  4. My mother wouldn't have one. I remember her stating plainly at some point, "The day I can't peel an apple is the day they will be carrying me to the graveyard." Mom saw things like this as frivolous for the housewife, but good for bakeries and other businesses that needed lots of apples fast.

    Great share David Bennett

  5. Margaret Siemers We never had one either and I would imagine my mom saying the same thing. I have one now however, and it is very satisfying to use!

  6. Margaret Siemers A great story and I must agree with her.  :-)

  7. Rough day or I would do more than + your comments. Perhaps tomorrow

  8. Margaret Siemers So sorry it's a rough day. Do not +, do not comment, just be mildly distracted and tomorrow will be better.


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