The True Story of The Coolest Dog the White House Has Ever Seen

The True Story of The Coolest Dog the White House Has Ever Seen

"In 1940, President Franklin Roosevelt received an early Christmas president of a Scottish Terrier puppy. The President named him after his own Scottish ancestor, John Murray, aka ‘Murray the Outlaw of Falahill’."

#history #dogs #FDR #WhiteHouse #1940s


  1. I remember reading that this dog is what made the Scottish Terrier the "Designer Dog" of the day back then. And with that followed Scottish Plads on (almost) everything you can think of.  I like the little terriers, but always opted for larger breeds myself.

  2. Ooh, the extra you can find out through the link is worth it. That was some dog. But aren't they all.


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