I would be really pleased to hear from anyone who has information about a producer of fake ancient glass from Syria...

I would be really pleased to hear from anyone who has information about a producer of fake ancient glass from Syria who goes by the name of
Armin Nasser

use this side to send some info 
Many thanks


This chart showing the main shapes and the centuries in which they were mostly manufactured is courtesy of The Archaeologoical Journal


  1. If you google " Armin Nasser glass producer" a profile on him comes up. I am not sure what you mean by information on him. can you perhaps be more specific here or tell me in a Private message?

  2. Margaret Siemers If You have some more information about him You can send to the person which is professional and probably wants to find him He sells fake antiques on ebay and other sides . Go via  this link http://www.collector-antiquities.com/contact-us.html to get contact .

  3. No, sorry I don't know anything of him. I do not deal in antiquities, for one reason they are very popular reproduction items. I believe it was Pam WhimsicalVintage that said in a post elsewhere that these kinds of people are making our business so very hard to say in. (paraphrased) and she is quite right. 

    The only defence the public has most of the time is to arm themselves with as much knowledge as they can before they buy. Both about the product and the seller's reputation. And as always, if the price is too good to be true, it probably isn't the true item.

  4. Margaret Siemers Yes I know and all the time say -if something looks too good and has too pretty good price is fake .If You do not mind share this information May be by this way less people will buy from him .

  5. Are his productions obvious reproductions or are they good enough to make a dealer take a second glance ?

  6. James Jones if You are good and Your knowledge is good enough about this kind of art You can recognize but mostly amateurs buy from him then come to professional  auctions to resell  .He made angry professional people and one of them put this information .

  7. Inka WSmith so actually it is down to the greed and gullibility of amateurs. They should buy from a reputable dealer and pay a little premium for the expertise that come with it. That does not excuse the seller of these reproductions but caveat emptor applies.

  8. James Jones I could not agree with you more. Caveat emptor, or Let the buyer beware is the watchword quote in this business for both buyers AND sellers. I do feel badly for anyone that gets taken this way, but many times a little bit of knowledge will go a long way to save you. That buyer's premium may feel like an ouch to pay in addition to the hammer price, but it is worth it every time if you are getting the genuine article. 

    Inka WSmith We can put the word out about him in the Vintage & Antiques Community, which as you know works very hard at fighting fakes and forgeries of all kinds as part of our work there.  


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