Via kurt tutschek. The Bozo in the back seat is unsettling. No wonder kids are frightened of him.

Via kurt tutschek. The Bozo in the back seat is unsettling. No wonder kids are frightened of him. 

Originally shared by UNCOVERING COVERS

... and they were never seen again...


  1. What a terrifying cover! And what's with dad's expression? Is that even dad at all? The horrors!

  2. Steven King must of been that little boy you see there.

  3. There must be quite a creepy story to tell there: why a clown in the back seat I wonder.

  4. Mike Perry - Pennywise and his slaves are quite efficient in sating their urges.

  5. Mike Perry No Idea here on that or what the story is about. I never liked BoZO The Clown.

  6. Here's a link to the same book, with Mom in the back and the creepy clown gone!
    Is Mom really the creepy clown??...dun, dun, dun (I hope that reads the way its supposed to:))

  7. I can't resist posting this link of another this one apparently Dad has a hooker in the back!lol
    What's the deal with this book?

  8. Pam WhimsicalVintage The children are certainly experiencing different aspects of life ...

  9. Well, that one seems a lot better. But hey whats with the kids in the front? Arn't they supposed to be in kid car seats in the back?  

    LOL I know before that was ever figured out.

  10. Wow Pam WhimsicalVintage What was Rand Mcnally thinking in those days. Killer Clowns, Hookers and Moms in the back seat. Waite a second, It must of been a Shapeshifter from another planet. I bet it was brought here by us using that Atomic Oven!

  11. How did any of that get by the censers they had back then?

  12. lol Oshi Shikigami , I have no idea...I'm going to see if there's any more info on these books.  It's really very interesting.
    Margaret Siemers , it would seem old Rand had a dark side:).  I would think that the varying odd backgrounds would make these more valuable....curious to see what I can find out.  Great share btw:)

  13. ...Or maybe, maybe it wasn't an auto trip at all? Just a "trip"? A little early for that? But maybe they were just precocious...


  14. A good 'Hitchcock Presents', or 'Twilight Zone'?

  15. I wonder when the clown got there! Pam WhimsicalVintage

  16. frank o'shea I'm doing more digging on this's just so odd.  The cigarette smoking "vixen" actually seems stranger to me than the clown:)

  17. Fiona Kenny , you just summed up my childhood!lol

    Definitely interesting to think that this is where Hollywood gets their B movie ideas from...I think you're onto something:)

  18. Fiona Kenny From one entirely warped mind to another. Thanks! 
    Speaking of warped, I found yet another cover and posted it here with the two Pam WhimsicalVintage found and Bozo above. You are going to LOVE it.


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