In 1896, the Bichet School was built by a local stonemason in the Cottonwood Valley area of Kansas.

In 1896, the Bichet School was built by a local stonemason in the Cottonwood Valley area of Kansas.  From 1857 - 1885,  over 60 French families had settled in the area.  At the time the school was built,  it was attended by 19 children of 8 French families.  The last class, 1946, consisted of only 2 children and then the school closed. 

To the right of the school is the boys outhouse, and there is an identical structure for girls on the other side of the school. Other than a pump and a storm cellar, there is nothing else on the property. It is still quite beautiful in its simplicity and setting.


  1. Amazing how well made things like that were back then. It doesn't look unused for as long as it had been does it.

  2. Margaret Siemers It seems to be structurally sound, but pretty rough inside. Needs some TLC, although I love seeing it as if someone just walked away and locked the door.

  3. it's pretty remarkable that it still has the bell - they are so often stolen

  4. Patsy Priebe It's really in a very, very rural location. No signs of vandalism thankfully!

  5. Wow. Great workmanship on the building!
    I remember reading some years ago about the rules for the schoolmarm. Must be single, must scrub the floors and chop the wood, must attend church etc etc. Thanks for posting this Ann Kennedy - really a nice scene well captured.

  6. Mike Martin That's what I forgot to say earlier, and it has been bugging me too. Thanks for the reminder. 
    Ann Kennedy The photo is composed perfectly and is very striking. I wanted to tell you that. LOLOLOL

  7. Love the building and the photo - oh, and the bell. Can almost picture the children in the classroom, with their desks and inkwells.

  8. Mike Perry Thanks, Mike. It truly is a sweet building if there is such a thing!


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