

  1. And also, remember "Goood cracker, Good cracker" 10 points to the first person that can correctly tell me who said that and what show it was advertised on.

  2. Oshi Shikigami BUZZ, no sorry, next contestant please.

  3. I don't know! I just remember Everything is better when it sits on a Ritz:-) I love this ad and have an old photo of my parents on a picnic with a box of Ritz on their picnic hamper, 1943 I think:-)  Remember mock apple pie made with Ritz instead of apples?

  4. Ann Kennedy I do remember that! But seeing as we had apple trees on the farm my mom refused to try it. "too much of God's own growing here to do fake apple pie".
    I remember vividly her telling my brother that when he was kidding her about making a Mock Pie. Wow, something how a word can jog an old memory loose in the noggin. Thanks Ann.

  5. For being a memory jogger, and for knowing one of the other sayings this show was known to use I will reveal. 

    It was Andy Griffith on the Andy Griffith Show. I remember Aunt Bee going on about Ritz Crackers and him saying. Goood Cracker, Good Cracker. Anyone else remember that?

  6. Margaret Siemers Oh gosh! Good memory, Margaret!

  7. Now that you mention it, yes! I do. :-)


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