Mallinson Fabrics, 1945

Mallinson Fabrics, 1945


  1. I would not have wanted to 'pose' that photo shoot! LOL

  2. Fitting the gown, and then artfully splaying the huge length of fabric would be incredibly difficult to get just right. And, if the model moved even a few inches, it could get totally messed up!  :-)

  3. I have had my share of 'difficult' shoots. And I think I can spot the ones that were really a nightmare to do right.

    And I think, especially in the day, this would have been one...  ;-)

  4. Oshi Shikigami See, your professional eye can see the things that are not obvious to those like me that aren't. Thanks for the tips.

  5. Margaret Siemers, my pleasure. We all have unique gifts, and a vision like no other. We all profit from exposure to those who's view is not ours!  LOL


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