An out-of-focus (c 1955) but beloved snapshot of our family's 1948 Hudson with thanks to Tom Brydon for jogging the...
An out-of-focus (c 1955) but beloved snapshot of our family's 1948 Hudson with thanks to Tom Brydon for jogging the memory! My dad finally traded it in for a 1958 Plymouth.

Did you ever see the old Admiral in St. Louis and see its resemblance to a '48 Hudson?
Told ya (in another post) they were boats. Big Wonderful Boats.
ReplyDeleteMike Martin Now that's a great snapshot! Did you take that one?
ReplyDeleteMargaret Siemers My mom didn't want to get rid of it, saying it was "so roomy" :-)
ReplyDeleteAnn Kennedy - Nope. Wish I had. Did a little more Googling and found that the Admiral was towed to a breaker's yard at Columbia, IL in 2011 and cut to scrap. It sure was a part of the "riverscape" when were out there.
ReplyDeleteMy father's '48 Hudson was 2 tone gray. What color was your father's, Ann?
ReplyDeleteIt's a different world to the cars we had over here - I like the idea of it being "so roomy".
ReplyDeleteMike Perry - I commented once that my 1980 Ford Cortina was a nice "little" car and got astonished stares from the Brits. Regardless, I loved that car and wish I could have brought it back, right-hand drive and all.
ReplyDeleteMike Martin I remember the Cortinas well. I guess it's because we don't have the distances over here as to why the cars are mostly somewhat smaller. First time I hired a car in the US I couldn't get it to move - had never driven an automatic before! I was also amazed that it had air con and cruise control! (we do have that now though).