C-mail, V-mail, E-mail.

C-mail, V-mail, E-mail. I wonder what will be next. An ad in the Ladies Home Journal, April 1944 encourages C- mail and V- mail.  V-mail was actually letters sent on microfilm. Read a quick explanation here:



  1. Fascinating! Very clever.Who wouldn't love cookies? And the V-Mail, is a very efficient use of space.

    When I was in school, I would take a photo of the blackboard, for "notes". Much better than my hand writing at the time, and mostly spelled right too!  :-)

  2. Cheer mail: that sounds a nice idea.

  3. Oshi Shikigami I thought it was pretty advanced thinking for the postal service:-)

  4. Look at that handsome smile. Nothin' wrong with this GI other than he's a malingerer. His first sergeant needs to help him achieve a level of understanding.

  5. Mike Martin Couldn't very well portray too much realism:-)

  6. Ann Kennedy - True. The citizenry must be kept deluded about wars. 
    I read that Tammy Duckworth referred to her ward for those who'd lost limbs in Iraq as the "Amputee Petting Zoo" due to the politicians who'd show up to have their pictures taken "with the troops."


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