Some of the most intriguing photos in old family collections are those we assume must have been friends.

Some of the most intriguing photos in old family collections are those we assume must have been friends. Those not labeled even by the previous generation must be of people who have faded from all memory!


  1. Not saying this photo was mind you, just making a comment on the statement. 
    It was also true of the Black sheep and simple minded of the families that nothing was noted. Sadly they wrote out those that did not fit into the norm of the day.

  2. Margaret Siemers Yes, and isn't that just so sad!

  3. Nice photo - It leaves me wanting to know a bit about them.

  4. Yes, Steve Hart  they look like they were having a fun day.
    Some of the old albums had notations on the pages, but when the album eventually fell apart that notation left too. A lesson for us all to note away. :)


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