I just find the faces, costumes, background so excellent I had to share with you all.

I just find the faces, costumes, background so excellent I had to share with you all. This is the reason I belong to this kind of community. The history in this photo is amazing. 

Personal H/T to The past is a foreign country for the marvelous photos he has. 

Originally shared by The past is a foreign country

Luna Park, Paris. 1910


  1. Yes, I loved that post and I love it again now. That is an amazing photo for a lot of reasons!

  2. Looking at the perforations in the wheels, I wonder if they played music while they spun.

  3. Mike Martin I think the perforated part was stationary, more of a guard for the actual spinning part that was under them and shown on the bottom half.

  4. Ann Kennedy If it had been shared here before I totally missed it. If it had been on G+ I missed it. If it was yours Ann, take a bow cause you deserve it. (Some rogue by the way is not crediting you with this if it was yours.) 
    That is the beauty of sharing, so much to see and see again.

  5. Margaret Siemers Oh no, it wasn't mine! It was a public post, another delightful one as usual from our friend The past is a foreign country Definitely worth another share!

  6. The music came from a phonograph ..We called it .
    Le Manege


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