This is my closing chapter on our little saga about "The-Place-Where-I-Was-Born" that we started some time ago.

This is my closing chapter on our little saga about "The-Place-Where-I-Was-Born" that we started some time ago.
After we exchanged on this subject in this community, I ordered an aerial view from the National Geographic Institute of Belgium. Here it is. The date is 1952.
Not very convincing. Our family house is still standing there (not yet demolished), but I needed a very clear memory of the place to be sure that I recognized it. Our present day satellite photos, taken from an altitude of 150 miles, are better !


  1. Truly amazing how overhead imagery has improved over the years. My first thought when I saw your photo was that it was World War II reconnaissance photography. 
    Glad you were able to get a picture of where it all started for you, Laurent TRUILLET!

  2. I think these are military photos which passed on to the Geographical Institute when they became obsolete. In 1952, the technology was probably very much the same as during WWII.
    The Institute also has a photo of 1956. I don't think I'll buy it, because I'm not sure that it will be any better !
    For your information, the cost of the photo was approximately 30 USD, which is quite reasonable if you consider that they have to make a print especially for you and sent it by post (this post is my scan of a paper photo).

  3. Nice to have this view for your memories. It is customary here to have aerial photos taken of family farms and it is always very interesting to see the patterns in the fields, the buildings, ponds, etc. Although a bit off topic, I will add that whenever we have moved into a house, we make a time capsule and put it under the floorboards, or in some deeply hidden place so that in the future, someone will find a little treasure:-)  A photo like this would be a great thing to include in such a thing.

  4. Ann Kennedy Very interesting comment, Ann.
    I'll make a new post to answer to it.


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