75 YRS AGO THIS WEEK: Women and children first! It's Budweiser advertising! http://bit.ly/19xl3D1

75 YRS AGO THIS WEEK: Women and children first! It's Budweiser advertising! http://bit.ly/19xl3D1  

"Advice to Wives: One of Home's greatest charms for Daddy is the icebox - especially when well stocked with Budweiser and other good things. It gives the busy man-about-town the urge to be a gracious man-about-home."

#beer #advertising #1940s #vintage


  1. Thanks for this one ! Terribly outdated !

  2. A different era - like the advice to wives!

  3. I find no fault whatsoever with this entreaty and... I admit I fetch my own Bud from the garage and put it in the "icebox."

  4. Haha! This ones for you:-)  All of you gracious men-about-home!

  5. A different time, a "kinder, gentler" time. When the 'man of the house' could let all the stress of the day dissolve, just by having a cold one. GOD, I miss those times...


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