Li'l Mikey Martin, Age 4, Park Hills, KY

Li'l Mikey Martin, Age 4, Park Hills, KY

Do you like my hat and coat? Do you want to sing Monty Python's "Lumberjack Song" with me?


  1. I will sing it with you.loved Monte Python and still do.And you are cute,will grow up into a handsome man

  2. Awwww! Yes, I like your coat and hat:-) You cut down trees, you eat your lunch, do you have buttered scones for tea????

  3. He's a Lumber Jack and He don't care (what he has in his hand) lol 
    Weren't you the adorable one. Mike Martin

  4. Nadya Domino - Thank you kindly! I'm afraid the years have taken a toll on the "cute" though.

  5. Ann Kennedy _ Only on Wednesdays when I go shopping! I'd love to have some real British scones again, though, with real butter and cream and strawberry jam.

  6. Charlotte Issyvoo - A stick that I used to torment my sister. See that smirk on my little face?

  7. Margaret Siemers - Why thank you, Margaret! "Adorable" in the past tense, perhaps. Now I'm a grumpy old man!

  8. ... He cuts down trees, he wears high heels ... surely not!  Great picture.

  9. Mike Perry - No, those high heels just hurt soooo bad! Mother told me I'd have to wait till I turned 16 for the "suspendies and a brawr" but by then I didn't want to be a lumberjack any more.

  10. Mike Martin Ha ha! Bet your mother was pleased.


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