Just for fun, I just had to show you my take on Dolce and Gabbana's take on the old school Italian widow.

Just for fun, I just had to show you my take on Dolce and Gabbana's take on the old school Italian widow. I live in Little Italy and, when I first moved here 25 years ago, there were still women here who really did dress like this.


  1. P.S. Also: my antique and vintage furniture! You like?

  2. Except those old matronly Italian mamas didn't dress in a hot pink skirt. Most of those ladies wore all black. At least the ones I've seen. But some color wouldn't have hurt...

  3. You're right. This photo is actually part of a fun blog post in which I used Dolce and Gabbana's 2012 riff on the old school Sicilian widow as my inspiration. There was a lot of black but also red and pink.

  4. Yes, it was especially in south Italy. I always saw those ladies sitting in front of the house that talked and gossiped.

  5. Charlotte Issyvoo Yes, I like that  abat jour

  6. Yes, sereno353 , you know what I mean. I've included a link to my post so you can see the Dolce and Gabbana photos; you'll really recognize the look they've created. I live in Little Italy in my Canadian city and I used to see such women here too when I was younger. I think younger women don't do it anymore.


  7. Brava Charlotte Issyvoo , I saw that and I found yours is really a nice photo gallery with a journalistic report not devoid of smartly ironic expressions and poses :-) That man at the table looks so singular, is he an italian? Yes, of course,  young women can certainly not accept those old Catholic and bigoted customs, but it's in good taste to be able to combine a detail of the tradition (scarf) with a personal look!


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