September, 1926, Ladies Home Journal. The ice-cream pledge; it's health food! Good deal!

September, 1926, Ladies Home Journal.  The ice-cream pledge; it's health food!  Good deal!


  1. Thex Dar Many plusses for that one:-)

  2. Yep. And Coca Cola was originally only sold at soda fountains in drug stores 'cause it was just so darn good for you! All the sugar and a dab of cocaine!

  3. Thex Dar - Yep. My dad, born in 1908, said Cokes were called "nickel dopes" back when he was a boy. He also said you opened a bottle not by removing a cap, but by pushing a ball down in the neck. The ball was apparently kept in place sealing the contents by the pressure of the gas.

  4. Woohoo! Ice cream is good for you! Get me a gallon!!


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