75 YRS AGO THIS WEEK: The more things change, the more they stay the same: New York Yankees kid players are best.

75 YRS AGO THIS WEEK: The more things change, the more they stay the same: New York Yankees kid players are best. http://bit.ly/Yj9nxH

"To New York this week, for the World's Series, came hundreds of baseball scouts. They drifted in from Texas, Missouri and California - their eyes still red from the dust of sandlot diamonds. Everywhere they had been searching for good young players. yet, when they got to New York, they all had the same story: 'The Yankees own all the best kid players."

‪#‎baseball‬ ‪#‎sports‬ ‪#‎1930s‬ ‪#‎worldseries‬
