Please note this is a contemporary photo. It was made to look "old fashioned"!

Please note this is a contemporary photo. It was made to look "old fashioned"!

It is interesting that air-ships still fly the skies. Basically the same as they have for over 100 years...

Originally shared by Oshi Shikigami

This is a shot I made of the Goodyear Blimp as it flew over my home, on a foggy day.

I printed it like an old style photo. Thought you would like to see it.  ;-)


  1. Before anyone starts sending me emails. Oshi did ask before she posted this. I feel it adds value to the zeppelin information already posted.

  2. Here's another thought I had. It reminds me of some of the 1950's UFO sightings that were stated as "Cigar Shaped". You can see why it would be unsettling if you didn't know what it was.

  3. As this is propeller driven, and fairly slow, It doesn't sound like any other air craft either. More like a huge fan, with an odd buzzing ring to it. Once you have heard it, you will always recognize it.

  4. I love it Oshi !..great photography, to make it look so very old and vintage. 2 thumbs up ! :-)

  5. This was in Lightroom and Photoshop, for about three hours of work, to "make it so".  ;-)


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