Couldn't find any info on this one, but man, were those guys really brave.

Couldn't find any info on this one, but man, were those guys really brave. Seems like there would be some info on it, being that it says "The Telegraph" on it.


  1. Looks like they are taking down that clock. Wasn't that the name of a newspaper in England?

  2. Sounds like it would be the name of one. I was hoping that you could find something on this, because  you are so good at that,..and just to have something to discuss. But here lately, I keep pickin duds. :-))

  3. Nah, not duds. Just information bereft is all. 
    Gosh, I guess I could look around for ya, hang on I'll be back.

  4. You don't have to Margaret. It's too late to put any labor into I'm starting to wind down myself.

  5. Well, that's good cause I can't find anything. I bet if we ask one of our British friends, like Darran Hughes that he could come up with something. What do you day Darran?

  6. This looks to me to be Fleet Street in London. The Telegraph or Daily Telegraph as it's now known.
    The Daily Telegraph building down Fleet Street today houses a lovely clock, but not this one, so I can only assume this building was destroyed in the war.
    St Paul's Cathedral looks to be in the background.
    Great picture though Matthew Woodall always a pleasure to read your posts.
    Margaret Siemers a pleasure as always Margaret. Have a good weekend.

  7. Workmen dismantle the clock which hangs outside the Daily Telegraph building at 135 to 141, Fleet Street, London, 1930. The building is due to be remodelled. (Photo by Puttnam/Topical Press Agency/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

  8. Darran Hughes Thank you for taking the time to tell us more. Hope you have a good weekend also. : )

  9. kurt tutschek you get the Photo Detective Award of the day. Good find! Thank you so much.

  10. Wow !..Darren and Kurt are da man ! lol. I didn't know that Darren was from England. Cheerio then. :-)..and Kurt, how you found that info is amazing. You must tell us how you did that. lol. ..and where are you from also, ..I'm thinking maybe Germany or Belgium. :-)..It's good to know this about you two, for I now know who to turn to for answers, like Margaret knew about Darren. And Margaret has the Northeastern states tied up in knowledge as well as myself, for I lived in her home state for 4 years. :-)..And I have an all around knowledge of antiques for I used to buy them and sell them, from 26 years old to 30 y/o. But I like to find things that are hard to figure out that I've never see, for it increases my knowledge, as well as all of our intellect. :-)) Thanks again !

  11. Good guess, Matthew. I'm from Austria living in a small town 100 kms to the west of Vienna (
    You can find me online here: (personal blog - German) (all things vintage - German)
    Recently I started two subdomains:
    THE BEAUTY OF PAINTINGS ( and THE BEAUTY OF MAPS ( )- hires, zoomable paintings and maps.
    Visitors welcome!  


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