Disneyland Employee Cafeteria in 1961

Disneyland Employee Cafeteria in 1961

For a variety of reasons this photo really caught my attention. There are elements you just would never see in a modern cafeteria or cafe...I mean besides Goofy.


  1. Although, there is a local coffee shop here in Columbus that has a lot of goofy in it I guess.

  2. I was in a grocery store years ago after the holidays, and I asked a clerk if they still had any fruitcake. (Yes, I love fruitcake. Don't judge.) She said, "We have some, but it's in a goofy tin." I really didn't care what the tin looked like, so I followed her to the display. It was...fruitcake in a tin with Goofy all over it. Actually a Goofy tin.


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