Cincinnati Library late 19th century

Cincinnati Library late 19th century

With the aid of technology books are quickly becoming vintage...or at least quaint.

Originally shared by Tom Brydon

Cincinatti public library with cast iron book alcoves lining the sides of the Main Hall, 19th century

photo Cincinatti Public Library, their flickr:


  1. I've seen this photograph before and I think it's terrific!

  2. I think there are more books in that photo than my local library keeps on-hand in the entire building. It's a shame.

  3. There is a library very similar in the town of Danville, Pa. where I lived for 4 years,..only it was made in a circle and 3 stories high of books. This brings back a lot of memories, for those libraries are a great part of history that is well preserved. Thanks for sharing this Sean. :-)

  4. Yes a wonderful pic of a unique time.  Wonder what the "card catalog" must have been like!


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